Monday, January 25


Usual level of Monday exhaustion from five shifts in three days. Glad to be back to "my" food and not having to deal with customers for another four days. I feel like I shouldn't eat because my weight is up significantly, but that's stupid so I'm pushing through while reading this paper from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition - which is providing some illumination on why it's apparently possible for me to gain almost 5 lbs. from a few higher-carb meals at work.
(The relationship between stored glycogen and potassium interests me, of course, as someone with an eating disorder who's been hypoalkemic more often than not over the past few years. Note to self: find more information on this subject!)

Breakfast: omelet (2 eggs, splash of milk, 1/2 tbsp. butter, red pepper, cilantro), apple, 1/2 avocado, coffee w/half'n'half.

Snack: apple, ~1/3 cup? almonds, red pepper.

EXERCISE: 3.75 mile run in the rain :)

Dinner: chicken and vegetable stirfry (shiitake mushrooms, carrots, bok choy, celery, peppers), a few bites of appetizers (crepe, potato dumpling), two bites of brown rice.
@Tsampa with my mom. Had that weird overly full/starving feeling when we got home a few hours later. I blame the big bowl of vegetables, and not having much fat with the meal unless you count the few bites I had of the two appetizers we shared. Could have easily purged after the meal. Didn't. That came later, when I got home and was torn between craving fat (a lb. of cashews or macadamias to shove in my face NOM NOM NOM-style sounded like a pretty good snack) and feeling stuffed and very anxious about everything I ate today being either (both?) "too much" or "not enough": Too much for eating disorder comfort, not enough for muscles that happily did speedwork in the rain today. Which led to:

(b/p - 1 episode, late evening.)

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